Thursday, 20 October 2016

NDM: Spotify UK revenues

Spotify UK revenues surge to almost £190m as mobile subscriptions take off

Spotify UK revenues surge to almost £200m as mobile subscriptions take-off

The article shows how the music app, Spotify, is booming in its market. This is through the subscriptions people are signed up to which can be accessed on a variety of devices like smartphones, tablets, consoles etc. It is the World's biggest music streaming service at the vakue of £6.9bn and its revenue in the UK has risen by 18% last year (from £159m to £187.2m). This was fuelled by a 44% surge in subscription revenues from £119m to £171m. In addition, the company believes this increase is due to people using mobile phones to stream music rather than computers and 2015 was there best year. 

  • 44% surge in subscriptions
  • Subscription income accounts for over 90% of Spotify UK's total revenue
  • Last year ad revenue fell from £11m to £10.8m
  • 30 million songs on offer and charges £9.99 a month fir premium subscriptions
I believe Spotify is having a huge impact and making serious revenue because it is an app which allows people to play the music they like. It is a good replacement for CD's because a digital copy of a song means it can't get damaged, stolen, lost and has to be bought at a shop. Music from Spotfiy can instantly be used without many problems. 

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