5 films:
- Kidulthood
- Anuvahood
- Attack the block
- Shank
- Ill manors
5 TV programmes:
- Luther
- Top boy
- 55 degrees North
- The Fresh Prince
- Dr Who
Online only productions:
- Brothers with no game
- Venus vs Mars
- The Ryan sisters
- All about the McKenzies
- Meet the Adebanjos
It seems Destiny Ekaragha's media content does relate to Alvarado and Frantz theories of black representations. If we consider the film 'Gone too Far', we see the main character being humorous at times even without trying which reinforces Alvarado's theory of black people having this role in society which is reflected in shows and movies. Also, the girl that the main character is obsessed with and her ex boyfriend would probably come under the 'dangerous' category as they seem to be aggressive throughout the film whilst using slang. Furthermore, we see DJ's in a studio who are African which portrays them as hard working and successful in their music so would support Alvarado's theory of black people being exotic. Frantz theory is similar in a way because of the way black representation is described for example decivilize from Frantz theory can be applied to the gangsters from Gone too Far or tight jeans. This reinforces stereotypes of black characters in media content because it is what society has been taught to believe so we would expect to see it reflected in some way even from a producer like Destiny who would want to challenge these stereotypes. Perhaps she does this because some of these stereotypes are true (Tessa Perkins). Furthermore, tight jeans displays the three young black males as uneducated as they are unsure on something significant like slavery which could reinforce stereotypes of the ethnic group not being as educated as white people. However, black stereotypes can be subverted with the character from Gone to Far who is the friend of the 'hood' girl. The subversion would be that she isn't a gangster and she is caring.
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