Friday 18 November 2016

NDM: digital giants impacting news

Support new news providers via a levy on digital giants like Google and Facebook

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg

Digital giants such as Google and Facebook are finding ways of amassing eye watering profits and paying minimal tax in the UK. They are bleeding the newspaper industry dry by sucking up advertising revenue. National and local newspapers try to cut their way out of trouble by slashing editorial budgets and shedding staff, journalistic quality is becoming a casualty. News institutes need to find gaps in media to diversify news and attract different news audiences.

I believe news stories need to offer their audiences more options of news because they will always be relying on Google and Facebook to get their news. This is vital because if the next few generations become too reliant on news and don't respect or appreciate the work of news institutes, then it will be easy for audiences to be lied to. 

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