Friday 4 November 2016

NDM: Privacy

Why do we still accept that Governments collect and snoop on our data?

Close up of silhouetted male hand typing on laptop keyboard

The Hollywood film about Edward Snowden and the movement to pardon the NSA whistleblower have renewed worldwide attention on the cope and substance of Government surveillance programs. This topic usually is associated with the American's abuse of power and the rights of Americans under domestic law but mostly blind the privacy rights of millions. Just last week, a British court held that British intelligence agencies acted unlawfully by concealing bulk spying programs from the public for over a decade. 

  • Bulk surveillance program violates these fundamental rights
  • People outraged
I believe the Government are abusing their power and people shouldn't be okay with this. It erodes our privacy and this isn't right. However, it could prevent crimes and evidence.

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