Friday, 17 March 2017

Identities and the wider media

1) The Factsheet discusses how identity is a complex subject. What does it suggest defines our identity?

Its based on a complex set of relationships but we can think of the idea of self'

2) Complete the task on page 2: suggest media texts that could reinforce that someone is non-mainstream; edgy; a pleasure seeker; fashionable; witty and fun; cutting-edge.

Non - mainstream - i used products and social media sites that I am actually interested
Edgy - i like blog posts on piercing, tattoos and edgy clothing. For example, they like ripped jeans.
Pleasure seeker - they search for joy in life for example, travelling or living life on the edge
Fashionable - they like magazines and the latest trends and stay up to date with gossip
Witty and fun - enjoy watching comedy shows
Cutting edge - up to date with social media

3) What examples are suggested for a case study on urban youth?

A case study like Jeremy Kyle
4) What does Hebdige argue with regards to youth culture? 

Media theorist Richard Hebdige says that youth cultures show their resistance to the dominant culture through their style choices. Urban youth can show itself to be outside the mainstream by adopting the uniform that is feared by mainstream culture and they learn about this fear in the media representations.

5) What other theorists are referenced alongside Hebdige? How do they link to the issue of youth identity?

Acland claims that the media is what makes the representation of youth as deviants.
Perkins states that representations of the youth are created by though outside of the 'youth' group and is rather a reflection of the adult's fear of youths.

6) How can we link our Year 12 case study on Ill Manors to youth and identity? What specific examples from the case study could be used to discuss Hebdige’s theory that youth culture challenges mainstream culture and dominant ideologies?

Ill manors reinforces Hebdige's theory as the youths are constantly getting up to no good and reinforcing all of the typical stereotypes made of them. E.g being deviants. For example when the youth are getting into fights and dealing with drugs. Also in the Ill manors music video the youths are shown rioting the streets.
7) What does theorist David Gauntlett suggest regarding the media’s influence over the construction of identities?

He claims that the media have influence on identity construction and so the way the media stereotypes groups may become part of how individuals see themselves and media institutions are able to use this to sell their products.

8) Do you agree that Hebdige’s view that youth culture will always seek to resist mainstream culture and challenge dominant ideologies?

I disagree. I personally think that there will not be a big change of the behaviour of youths in this society they will always somehow reinforce the typical stereotypes made of them. I think that only a small percentage of the youth population will actually challenge these dominant ideologies.

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