Thursday 9 March 2017

NDM: Fake news

Fake news inquiry to review social networks' complaints procedures
Facebook and other apps on a mobile phone

A parliamentary inquiry into fake news is to consider legislation forcing social networks to improve the way they handle complaints after Facebook’s failure to remove sexualised images of children. Damian Collins, chair of the culture, media and sport (CMS) committee, said Facebook’s failure to remove all the images reported, as part of a BBC investigation this week, was “disturbing” and suggested its complaints systems were inadequate. There will be the consideration of imposing new offences to ensure social networks are held responsible for inappropriate content which includes fakes news and images of children that have been reported.

I believe that Governments need to impose legislation's that would punish social networking sites for not dealing with issues on their websites if they have been reported. This is because they don't seem as fussed as the rest of the World with issues on fake news and exploitation of children.  

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